Equal Business Park

The Equal Business Park office complex comprises three A-class office buildings with a total GLA of 49,500 sqm. It is located in the Cracow district of Podgórze, at Wielicka 28.

Apart from comfortable office space, the buildings’ users can also benefit on a daily basis from numerous services offered in the project: a canteen, a bookshop, a kindergarten, a beauty salon, a café, a store and green zones with small architecture.

Stage 4 is currently under construction and will provide over 11,000 sqm in 2021. In total, Equal Business Park offers approximately 60,600 sqm of office and retail space.

In 2016, Building B of the Equal Business Park complex was named the Best Office Building in Cracow, the capital of Lower Poland region, in the Cracow’s Best Assets awards organized by the Cracow City Hall. Two years later, the same building was distinguished for its architectural design in the Property Design Awards 2018.

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